
I'm Joseph

I'm senior student majoring in Data Science in International University - VNU
Here's a bit more about me.


About Me

AI/ML Engineer,
Scientific Researcher

Check my CV

Hello! I am Joseph Nguyen. Blogger, AI/ML Engineer and Scientific Researcher

As a Blogger, I craft words to inspire and connect. As an AI/ML Engineer, I innovate at the nexus of technology and intelligence. In my role as a Scientific Researcher, I'm dedicated to unraveling mysteries for a better tomorrow.

Extra Activities



Passionate about mental health, I craft inspiring, educational, and connective words. My blog is a platform for exploring and sharing mental well-being insights. I aim to destigmatize mental health issues, offering support to those in need, and creating a community grounded in understanding and compassion.

AI/ML Engineer

I am deeply interested in NLP and Chatbots, fascinated by AI's potential to transform communication, especially in mental health. At the crossroads of technology and intelligence, I innovate to create tools that effectively understand and respond to human emotions, revolutionizing how we interact

Scientific Researcher

My research explores the intersection of mental health and technology. I'm dedicated to understanding how tech can improve mental health care. My aim is to create a brighter future by developing innovative solutions that address mental health needs through technological advancements.





Extra Activities


Sentiment Analysis - Rating Prediction - Natural Language Processing

Data Science - British Airways

September 10th 2023

Completion the Deep Learning Course

Deep Learning - AI for Everyone

August 1st 2023

Top 10 - The Audience Choice Award

IU StartUp Demo Day 2023 - International University

May 31st 2023

Excellent Young Follow the Ho Chi Minh President's Instructions

Youth Union - International University

May 19th 2023

IELTS Certificate

IELTS - British Council

April 20th 2023

Scientific Research Student

School of Computer Science and Engineering - IU

April 5th 2023

Teaching Assistant in Regression Analysis Course

School of Computer Science and Engineering - IU

April 5th 2023

Outstanding Contribution in Student Union of the School of CSE

Student Union - International University

February 28th 2023

Deputy Vice President of the Student Union of the School of CSE

Student Union - International University

February 16th 2023

Completion the Python for Data Science Course

Python for Data Science - AI for Everyone

October 24th 2021

MVP of the Volunteering Spring Campaign

IT Youth Union - Student Union

March 10th 2021


Assoc. Prof. Vo Thi Luu Phuong

Head of Information Technology Department
International University - VNU HCMC


Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan

Head of Data Science Department
International University - VNU HCMC


Mr. Tran Nguyen Khai

Scrum Master
Senior Automation Test Engineer

